Sunday, September 02, 2007

The different gender of stony lions at Shan-Shi Temple, Guan-Miao 關廟山西宮的石獅子

台灣 台南縣關廟鄉山西宮的石獅子 是有分雌雄的 雌在右雄在左 生殖器官明顯可見 這是臺灣國的廟宇中少見的
山西宮主祀關雲長 因關公是山西運城人 故名 這是台灣最大的關帝廟 中國另外有洛陽的關林 運城的關帝廟 各有其典故
The stony lions in front of Guan-Di Temple, Guan Miao,Tainan County, are sitting as different gender. The female is at right, the male is at left, and the genital organs are present obviously. It is rare in such a differentiation of a temple in Taiwan. This is the largest Guan-Di Temple in Taiwan. There are two famous temples in China related to Guan-Di: the Lo-Yang's(Henan Prov., graveyard of Guan's head called as Guan Forest) and the Yun-Chen's(Shanxi Prov., Guan's hometown)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another Stone-lions with gender expression are noted on the follows: The Grand Hotel , The Beji Tien, Tsoying Yuan-Di Temple, kaohsiung and Da-Liao NanHsiungDaiTienFu .......