Sunday, September 09, 2007

高雄縣中寮山 Mt Chung-Liao

中寮山因為特殊的地理形勢 使它成為電視 廣播轉播塔的理想處 除此之外 它的支脈綿延向西南 也出現像泥火山的"養女湖" 傳説頗多

其實 中寮山的山陰面 有許多景觀 而"惡地質" 無疑是其特點 這樣的地質 自台南縣左鎮鄉展延至高雄縣燕巢鄉 就是有名的"月世界"景觀 而最佳的鳥瞰處 就是這裡

圖中的觀景台眺望南二高 在中寮國小附近 就位於南二高中寮隧道之上 可以看到"月世界的高速公路" 夠奇妙吧

The Mt Chung-Liao,between Chi-Shan and Yen-Chao, all belong to Kaohsiung County, is famous of its location to be tranfer towers of many boradcasting systems. Besides, the hard soils made it as a lunar landscape esp. in the west side. As birdview of such a scene, the Mt Chung-Liao is best of choice, you can see"a high way in the moon", where just above the"Chung-Liao Tunnel" of No.3 High Way. the longest tunnel of high way before 2006.

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