在台灣 發行的中國時報 於2007年 9 月 報導臺灣的鰻魚有毒 它引用的官方資料只說 "鰻魚池的未成魚 有7/360有 餘留藥成分 且低於日本要求的標準" 該報紙故意錯誤報導 在官方與業者的抗議下 又改口說是"預警式報導".....(朋友 塗榮洲先生是鰻魚公會重要幹部 就是照片中有騷鬍子者) (照片翻拍自 自由時報 20070906 B6版)
The China Times, a daily newspaper published at Taiwan, is very very hostile to Taiwan, the exact cause whom itself know. On early Sept,2007, the China Times reported a animus error news about the eels' "concentration of residual drug" and warning it is hazard to comsumers. The datas are from govenrment's regular examination and the data shows it's O.K.actually, in every aspects, even the Japanese(the most important consumption country) Standard. After the protest both the Government and the Eel providers, the China Times said it is a "warning report"....what a HMOBHG(his mother old beautiful hen go)
It is not only a liar China Times is, but a conpiracy, and every Taiwaner knows what is the reason.
(Figure to show Mr. Z-C Tu,with goateed, a senior acting member of the Eel Organizations)